Berger Allemand
Hip dysplasia (HD)
The word "dysplasia" means "developmental abnormality". Hip dysplasia is a canine genetic disease in which there is a tendency for hip laxity to develop early in life. Hip dysplasia is not congenital because affected dogs are born with morphologically normal hips. The soft tissues (ligaments and joint capsule) that normally stabilize the hip joint become detached during the first weeks of life.
The consequence of this laxity of the hip joint to the normally very congruent kneecap becomes much less congruent. The head of the femur deforms and flattens as the movements become more difficult and painful. All dogs with hip dysplasia develop secondary osteoarthritis of the affected joint. The vast majority of affected dogs have dysplasia of both hips.
Hip dysplasia is diagnosed, in most cases, following a multi-modulus assessment process between you, your veterinarian, and a specialist orthopedic surgeon.
In the first case, you may have noticed that your dog is exhibiting some or all of the following clinical signs;
Exercise intolerance
Difficulty getting up, sitting or lying down
Difficulty going up stairs or getting in and out of the car
Abnormal gait - Sometimes described as a 'swaying' gait while walking
Limpage on one or both hind legs
Protector of the hip area during grooming or bathing
Pain - not necessarily in all dogs
Your vet may have recognized an abnormal gait or hip pain noticed in your dog during routine health checks or concerns raised by you. If your vet has a suspicion of hip dysplasia, they may perform x-rays of your dogs hip joints. X-rays usually show changes in affected dogs, although this is not always the case. More often than not, your dog will be seen by a specialist orthopedic surgeon.
Spaying and neutering at an early age can have dramatic consequences on your growing puppies.
Hip dysplasia - Elbow dysplasia - Cranial cruciate ligament rupture