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Panosteitis is an inflammatory disease that affects the bones of young dogs. It affects the shaft of the long bones of growing dogs: humerus, radius, ulna and femur. It causes sudden, intermittent lameness. The disease particularly affects large breed and giant breed puppies, especially males. Dogs between the ages of five and twelve months are the most vulnerable, although the disease can begin as early as two months and up to two years of age. Panosteitis usually affects long bones, and rarely more than one limb at a time. Once a bone has been hit, it's rare for it to be hit again. Therefore, a dog can limp with one paw for a while, stop limping, and then limp with another paw.

The cause of panosteitis remains unknown to this day. A hereditary trait is assumed but not demonstrated. The role of consuming foods rich in energy and protein is also mentioned in recent studies.

As the dog ages, episodes of lameness subside and the intervals of remission lengthen. Eventually the disease eventually goes away. The dog then stops having pain and the clinical signs dissipate.

To diagnose panosteitis, the vet should take x-rays of the affected limb. Once the diagnosis of panosteitis has been made, your veterinarian may suggest medications to relieve the pain and inflammation. It should be noted, however, that although the medication is effective in relieving pain and alleviating lameness, it does not cure the disease. Reducing exercise and forced rest didn't seem to make a difference. On the other hand, excessive exercise should be avoided.

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